Fairy tales have interested my sister and I ever since we were little. We watched Disney movies religiously as well, and it wasn't until I was a young adult that I realized my entire childhood was based on lies. I like the contrast between Disney and the Grimm Brothers because it's so extreme. What kind of guy takes bloody, horrifying fairy tales and makes them kid friendly? There's a way to do it because it certainly got passed my head when I was little. But once you learn the truth behind all the fairy tales it makes you wonder why Disney chose the stories he did.

I wanted to create this website to inform people of the vast differences if they were not aware of them already. I did not get a lot done today, but the research I found seems to be sending me in the right direction. I'm thinking about creating a couple tabs to contrast three popular Disney/Grimm classics (Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, and Snow White) then leaving the rest up to you guys to research yourselves. But don't worry I'll leave links, and videos to make your life easier.

Spoiler Alert: In Cinderella, the step sister's eyes are pecked out by pigeons, and they live as blind beggars for the rest of their lives.

    Danielle Sharples

    I'm a graduating senior interested in the arts. I am going to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth for Graphic Design, and Art Education. Fairy tales are just one of my interests.


    May 2013


    Fairy Tales