I wasn't in school again today because of my placement test for college. But I still got a lot done. I finished the Sleeping Beauty page, and added the rest of the comparisons and visuals. I also added more fun information to my "fun facts/sites" tab. If you're interested in art I suggest you check it out there's a lot of neat stuff.

In completing this project, I felt like I needed to add more of a voice to my pages instead of just facts. So I added some snide, clever remarks in italics to some of the facts for each story. I felt they might make you snicker. Enjoy!
5/24/2013 01:30:43 am

wow you really added a lot of stuff to the website since i last saw it. it looks good, good job!

Danielle Sharples
5/27/2013 03:09:21 am

Thank Tushar :)

Shanley Walker
5/24/2013 03:13:25 pm

Your website looks awesome! You have so much information and your topic was really interesting, I wish I looked at it earlier so I could of seen your progress and the topic develop, well done overall!

Danielle Sharples
5/27/2013 03:09:51 am

Why thank you! I'm glad you like it.

Caitlyn McCarron
5/24/2013 05:34:46 pm

you've come a long way since day 1 !! i cant wait for you to present because you are definitely a different subject and i cant wait to see what you have to say ! great job & good luck !

Danielle Sharples
5/27/2013 03:10:51 am

Thanks! It took a lot of researching. And haha Mrs. Cordeiro put me last.

7/26/2018 09:47:06 am

I'm really impressed with your website. Though there was a bit more about sleeping beauty story. I read the grimm stories in German. Class. Had to translate the whole thing to English then back again. That was fun. Sleeping beauty was attacked multiple times by her father while in her slumber. Grimm wrote stories that would subject kids to the worse of the world so that they would be frightened of their consequences. Disney made it into fairy tales that have little girls thinking Prince charming is real that wasn't the original intent of them... more or less anyway. Nice website!!!


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    Danielle Sharples

    I'm a graduating senior interested in the arts. I am going to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth for Graphic Design, and Art Education. Fairy tales are just one of my interests.


    May 2013


    Fairy Tales